Government & Public Projects
With every generation, we believe cities have the potential to redesign themselves, find their sense of expression, and be just as beautiful as anything imagined.
Our govt. & Public Projects

Eagle Pass Police Station
After completing a facilities assessment and master plan, Gignac & Associates has been asked to design a brand new fire station for the City of Eagle Pass as part of a Public Safety Complex. The new facilities house administrative offices, training facilities, vehicle bays, sleeping quarters, lounge areas, kitchen, showers, and restrooms. This concrete panel structures will serve as the city government’s emergency shelter for hurricanes.

After completing a facilities assessment and master plan, Gignac & Associates has been asked to design a brand new fire station for the City of Eagle Pass as part of a Public Safety Complex. The new facilities house administrative offices, training facilities, vehicle bays, sleeping quarters, lounge areas, kitchen, showers, and restrooms. This concrete panel structures will serve as the city government’s emergency shelter for hurricanes.

American Bank Center
The joint venture partnership of Arquitectonica, Gignac | Associates, and TVS teamed to provide renovations and expansion of Corpus Christi’s Convention Center with the addition of a Multipurpose Arena. The new additions and renovations given provided an opportunity for a new “landmark” appearance and continuity of design to the large and complex arrangement of buildings on the site. Special attention was given to the design of the large structures to create human scale at the street level and relate to the surrounding area and the bayfront. Gignac & Associates provided construction document and contract administration services to facilitate quick field response time and contribute local knowledge and experience of construction in the South Texas region.

Bay Education Center & laboratory
The Bay Education Center and Laboratory project was a combined effort consisting of the City of Rockport, Texas, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), and Mission Aransas, National Estuarine Research Reserve. The goal of the facility is to educate the public on the importance of estuaries, especially as they relate to the Texas Gulf Coast ecosystems. The facility houses a number of programs including the City of Rockport Parks Department offices, an aquatic science learning center and an exhibition space. The contractor for the project was procured through the CMAR method. The contractor and design team worked together throughout the project to ensure that appropriate systems and materials were selected for the building to withstand the gulf coast climate where the facility is located.

The new La Joya Natatorium Project is made up of three distinct areas. The first area is the Admissions Area, which groups together the Main Entry, the Restroom/Shower Buildings, and the Concessions Building. The second area is the Natatorium Building, which houses the 10 lane competition pool, two diving boards, two locker rooms, and the supporting mechanical space. The third area of the Natatorium project is the Water Park. It has a covered toddler leisure pool and larger leisure pool, both with play and spray features, and a water slide that terminates into a plunge pool. The Water Park area will also have a winding river pool. Dispersed around these pools area covered canopy areas and lounging areas. Parking, separation of entrances for the Natatorium and Water Park, and security are issues that have also been addressed in this project.

The Cameron County Annex building combines a number of county offices in a new, user-friendly satellite facility. The county’s tax office, JP courts, and sheriff’s sub-station occupy the new building. Due to the law enforcement aspects of some departments, visitor separation and employee security were important design criteria. The building features a shared atrium space at the entry, which employs natural daylighting to create a pleasant common area. Gignac & Associates have designed a comfortable and safe working environment to meet the needs of county staff and residents.

Harlingen Fire
Station #4
Completed in November 2009, the new Harlingen Fire Station #4 has a modern design, which includes high apparatus vehicle bays, firefighter sleeping quarters, lounge, kitchen, showers and restrooms.

Mcallen Convention Center
Gignac Associates worked closely with the City of McAllen and the design team to provide a building reflective of the cultural influences of South Texas. Our design team created a massive 100 acre master plan for the project site to encourage retail and restaurant development in the area, and to accommodate other future growth for the community. The convention center site now boasts the largest vegetated pedestrian area in the region. Gignac & Associates served as the Prime Firm in association with TVS Design.

North Bayfront Park
Following a devastating Category Four hurricane in 1919 that destroyed its downtown, Corpus Christi filled a block into the Corpus Christi Bay to construct a seawall that would protect the community from future disasters. Since that time, the bay front has been defined by Shoreline Drive—a wide boulevard designed primarily for automobiles—and provided limited spaces for pedestrians in the hot South Texas sun. In 2004, Gignac Associates and Sasaki prepared the overall master plan for the Corpus Christi bay front—spanning from McGee Beach in the south to the ship channel in the north. The approved master plan called for the relocation of Shoreline Boulevard in order to accommodate green spaces along the water’s edge, thus creating the vision for the North Bay front Park. Situated next to the American Bank Center Arena, North Bay front Park is the first of a series of parks to be constructed from the master plan. The relocation, reduction of two travel lanes, and removal of the 80-foot-wide median of Shoreline Boulevard recaptured the bay front land and allowed for the creation of North Bay front Park. Traffic trables, intersection neck-downs, and reduced lanes curtail traffic and improve the public realm for pedestrians. North Bay front Park is designed to accommodate festivals and events such as Buccaneer Days. Shoreline Boulevard is closed to traffic for these events to make space for performances, vendors, and pedestrians. A key feature of the park includes an interactive fountain to attract children and families. Parents can sit at the adjacent café in the park, protected from the wind with glass windscreens, while watching their children play in the fountain. The café is shaded by fabric stretched between posts while groves of palms and mesquite trees will grow over time to provide shady spots in the park. An arbor is designed to support colorful Bougainvillea planting that shade a walkway leading to the fountain. The arbor fronts a parcel identified for a future restaurant included in the design to activate and program the park.

Resaca Walk Vision Plan
Gignac Associates provided design services to develop a new Vision Plan for the City of San Benito, in association with SWA Group. The Project included site analysis and master plan development to establish the area as a gateway, destination, catalyst for economic development, and cultural heritage. The proposed site improvements included and event center, event lawn, waterfront promenade, canal, and retail shops, restaurants, and cafes.

Portland Police Station
After completing a facilities assessment and master plan, Gignac & Associates has implemented a comprehensive program with a number of new and renovated city facilities for the City of Portland. The City’s new polices station houses administrative offices, 911 control and command, training facilities and jail. This concrete panel structure will serve as the city government’s emergency shelter for hurricanes.

Portland City Hall
After completing a facilities assessment and Master Plan, Gignac I Associates is now implementing this comprehensive program with new and renovated city facilities. The two story City Hall was completed in the summer of 2006 and houses City Administrative Offices and Municipal Court. Each city department has its own suite. These “suites” are situated around a glass atrium which serves as shared reception and waiting area.

port ayers' transfer station
Gignac & Associates, along with Parsons Brinckerhoff, are providing full architectural and transit design services for the massive renovation of the Corpus Christi Transportation Authority’s Port Ayers Transfer Station. The station will be completely renovated and will be able to accommodate 10 full size CCRTA buses. The project will include reworking of the ingress and egress for busses as well as redesign of the massive canopy and flatwork at the station. Bus passengers will now enjoy a new transfer experience in a remodeled atmosphere with the ability to visit the adjacent customer service center between fares or stop-in to the retail or food vendor spaces nearby. The station will also be upgraded with state-of-the-art technology and scheduling and display equipment to make the bus experience more efficient and enjoyable.

Marina Market Development &
Master Plan
Gignac Associates worked closely with the City of Port Aransas and the design team to provide a Master Plan and Development Plan for the Marina Market and Waterfront Development. Our design team created a master plan for the project site to encourage tourism, retail and restaurant development in the area, and to accommodate other future growth for the community. The design included a fishing pier, harbor market, pavilion, family friendly amenities, parking, restrooms, and multi-functional space.

Customer Service Center
Gignac & Associates, in association with Sasaki and Parsons Brinckerhoff, team are providing design services for the new Corpus Christi Reginonal Transportation Authority’s Customer Service Center Complex that will be located in old uptown Corpus Christi. This is an area that has been virtually abandoned over the past 20 years. In an effort to revitalize the surrounding area and the nearby downtown district, the CC RTA purchased two full city blocks to develope a new governmental corridor in the area.

South Padre Island Convention Center
Additions and Renovations to existing South Padre Island Convention Center, including structural renovations around the perimeter of the facility, replacement of deteriorating structural elements, new color scheme selection, and renovations to the existing atrium. Gignac Architects, in association with TVS Design, designed a brand new facility, as shown in the renderings above, which includes conference areas for large and small events, grand entry with shade structure, landscaping, and parking.

Gignac & Associates is providing complete architectural services for the City of South Padre Island Multi-Modal Transit Center. Phase 1 shall includes Park and ride concrete parking lot for 250 parking spaces, a bus drive including 6 bus berths, related flawork, and landscape and irrigation.

For the University of Texas Health Science Center, located in Harlingen, Gignac & Associates partnered with FKP Architects for the design of state-of-the-art teaching labs, learning facilities, and VA Clinic. The learning facility consists of two levels, housing laboratory facilities and teaching classrooms, and a mezzanine for the medical students at the University.

The 9,026-square-foot police station includes dispatch, office space and work areas for the police chief, lieutenants and police investigators for the City of La Joya that service the district. The building also has holding rooms, booking and evidence storage areas. The building has an area that can seat up to 80 people for training.

Mcallen fire station
Gignac Architects is in the process of designing a new 10,000 SF Fire Station for the City of McAllen in a new development on the city’s north side. The new facilities will include an apparatus bay, dorms, offices, and support spaces. The Training Facility includes offices, lecture room, two training rooms, and support spaces. The Training facility is located on an existing fire training tower facility site.

Harlingen transfer station
Gignac & Associates, along with Parsons Brinckerhoff, are providing full architectural and transit design services for the new Harlingen Transfer Station. The station will be able to accommodate 10 full size buses. The project will include the design of the massive canopy and flatwork at the station. The station will also include state-of-the-art technology and scheduling and display equipment to make the bus experience more efficient and enjoyable.

City of Port Aransas Police Stations
This project includes the design and construction of new police station for the City of Port Aransas. The facility includes holding cells, judges chambers, court rooms, administrative offices, meeting and conference rooms, training center, evidence, dispatch, and restrooms.

city of port aransas fire station
This project includes the design and construction of new fire station for the City of Port Aransas. The new facility will replace existing facility that was damaged by Hurricane Harvey. The facility includes administration offices, training areas, bunk space, 9 truck bays, work rooms, locker rooms, and EMS treatment rooms.

Project details coming soon!

Corpus Christi Council Chambers
Last updated in the 80s, the Corpus Christi Council Chambers received a much needed makeover, with a focus on technological integration to better conduct business.
To learn more, click here.